Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Class 7 Assignment

During classes 6 and 7 I was experiencing technical difficulties with GIMP.  GIMP would shut down randomly while I was in the middle of doing my class and homework assignments.  But here are the assignments from class 7 :

2B Stroke Tool assignment: 
 I used all different types of tools to make different shapes  like the rectangle, circle and free form and gave them all different stroke options. I went to edit, stroke selection and chose different patterns and colors to outline the shapes I made. 

2C Paste Into assignment

I used two photos from google and had to open them up in GIMP using "Open in Layers" to allow the paste into function to work. 

2D Transparency assignment:

 I had to create New Layers and select transparency for them.  Then after that I added circles to the picture and changed the opacity to be lower so you can see through the shapes.  

2E Text Assignment 

For this assignment I added text and I had to adjust the opacity. 

2F Scaling Assignment

I used the scaling tool to adjust the scale and size of the image of the puppy.

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