Thursday, September 26, 2013

GIF, JPEG and PNG assignment

Below we see the picture of the child again (whatta cutie...) saved in all formats including .jpg, .png and .gif.  There images don't vary drastically, but you can definatley tell a difference in saving the picture into different formats.  For example, the .jpg version uses a greater number of colors in the photo  allowing for more vivid and vibrant coloring within the photograph.  You will notice overall deeper and richer hues in the .jpg version of the photo compared to the .png and .gif formats.
The image in a .jpg format

The image in .png format

This is the image in .gif format

Midterm #3

This is an image of a ball that we had to convert from it's original formatting to other formats such as jpeg, .png and .gif.  I did this by doing file- export and typing in the format I wanted to export it to my desktop as.  You can also use the shortcut of (SHIFT + CONTROL+ E) to export as other file types.    It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

The image as a .jpg file.

                                                            The image as a .png file

The image as a .gif file

9/19 Roll Call #2

                                              A screenshot of our class on September 19th.

Midterm #2

This is an image of the cat named Samus.  I used GIMP to add a caption by using the textbox and highlighting the bottom portion white with adding text.  This is a second midterm assignment for my Immersive Education Course at Boston College.   It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

Midterm #1

For one of our assignments we had to use the photoshop tool, GIMP to remove red-eye from an image. In GIMP you zoomed in to the original image and used the paintbrush to color over the iris, or the red eye effect.  The original is directly below and the second image is the image with red eye removal. It is a midterm exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 


Class 2, Assignment 3

Roll Call number 1- Cropped and with my blog highlighted

Another cropped version of the Roll Call- Roll Call number 2

Picture of chatroom with class underway

Some screen shots of our lovely online textbook

Roll Call #2 Class 2

Audio Whiteboard- Class 2

This is a screen shot of the audio whiteboard we started to use during class 3.  This feature allows us to communicate with the class and the professor via microphone/ web cam as well as text chat.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Assignment 2-1 My GIMP Photo

Today we learned the fundamental 7 tools in Gimp which include: scaling, cropping, cutting (with transparency), flipping, rotating, reducing and saving.  You will see the before and after pictures after I used the pen, pencil and smudge tool on GIMP.  I pretty much went too "smudge- happy" and gave myself a new hair do.... 


screenshot of everyone who is in class today

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Class 1, Assignment 5

Here are a couple of screen shots of me downloading and running the "Gimp" program.  

Hello my name is Ann Ragan

Hello Everyone!
My name is Ann Ragan Kearns and I am a graduate student in the Woods School of Advancing Studies.  I am from Connecticut and attended Penn State University for my undergraduate degree.  I majored in Public Relations/ Advertising and French.  At Penn State I was also a member of the varsity swim team.  I am now entering my first semester in the Woods School and am competing for the BC varsity swimming team since I medically red-shirted my freshman year at Penn State and was granted a 5th year of eligibility from the NCAA.  I am very excited to be apart of the Woods School as well as apart of MT35101 Discovering Computer Graphics.  I can't wait to get to know all of you and work with a team on our team project!